The Urban League for Bergen County

For those in need of assistance, the Urban League for Bergen County offers housing counseling and referral services for people facing foreclosure. In addition, it offers affordable healthcare and employment counseling. Those in need of assistance may also seek mortgage assistance or referrals for affordable health care. These organizations are also open to new members and volunteers. To learn more about the Urban League for Bergen County and its programs, please read on. You’ll be glad you found this information!


The Mission of the Urban League for Bergen County is to empower young adults and young professionals to make a positive impact in their communities. The group aims to do so by empowering individuals through the power of education and job training. The Young Professionals of the Urban League for Bergen County are an excellent example of this. These professionals have started out as volunteers with a common goal: to make a difference in their community.


The JLBC’s commitment to community development has included putting trained volunteers to work. They’ve provided various community training programs, including Management By Objective, advocacy, and facilitator training. They’ve also conducted a needs assessment of over 400 volunteer organizations in Bergen County and launched Management Training for Volunteer Organizations. In addition, their members have helped Planned Parenthood rewrite the language of a Children’s Trust Fund grant, and have raised funds to purchase an elevator for a handicapped family.


The Urban League for Bergen County provides assistance in many ways including mortgage counseling, housing counseling, foreclosure counseling, and referrals. They are also involved in employment counseling and affordable healthcare. You can also find more information about their programs by visiting the Urban League for Bergen County website. If you are a member of the League, you can also find out about their various programs. Below, we’ve listed some of the services they offer.

Impact on community

The Urban League for Bergen County provides community service to its members and the surrounding communities. Among its programs are mortgage assistance, housing counseling, foreclosure prevention, and affordable healthcare. It also provides employment counseling. Its mission is to improve the quality of life for the local community. The League has more than 6500 volunteer hours annually. This figure has been revised several times to reflect current trends in the local community. To date, it has assisted over 60,000 people.

Sources of funding

The Urban League for Bergen County (ULBC) is a nonprofit organization that works to address community issues. Its programs are focused on providing housing counseling and guidance, financial education, and employment assistance. Some of its programs have received over $60 million from nontraditional sources. Other projects include housing counseling, foreclosure prevention, and youth and family services. To learn more about ULBC’s programs, visit their website.

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